Monika Berstis

  architecture | lamps | other | CV, etc. | contact
  academic * professional
  5 4 3 2 1
Venice is a city becoming petrified by tourism and iconic imagery. This proposal offers a means reinvigorating the city both architecturally and through restructuring the Venice Biennale.

We propose expanding the “Biennale” into an institution offering events year-round, highlighting creation and innovation by both locals and tourists.

Piers off of the Giardini area use local vernacular elements (docking posts, brick masonry, stepped boat landings) to create new geometries which span water and land, reframe existing classical buildings and extend into the island in a directional impulse, inviting sponantaneous activity.

On the piers, tourists stay with host families, local and artists host exhibitions and art and architecture workshops. The new demographic enlivens the Giardini, now open to the public year-round.

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  critic: Bostjan Vuga
  reconceptualization of the Venice Biennale and Giardini
  project with Jan Grüneberg
