Monika Berstis

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  academic * professional
  4 3 1
New owners of this vacant distillery complex commissioned a scheme for redevelopment for presentation to the city and potential investors.

Our plan envisions the vicinity as home to mixed-use development with a focus on live-work and arts-related programs. Landscaped greenery and shiny materials are introduced to the industrial grounds, complementing and contrasting the existing environment.

The complex’s main building, a 5-story warehouse, is transformed into a series of lofts and mixed-use ground-level spaces. The old building's exterior is left largely untouched, reframed instead by a new adjacent glass-and-concrete building, similar to the warehouse in rhythm and massing. New glazing in the warehouse building echo the new construction's materiality. Together the two create a public corridor between Manchester street and a creek to the south.

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  Beardslee Waites Architects, 2007
  Pepper Distillery conversion
  mixed use proposal
  Lexington, Kentucky

  Responsibilities: all design + presentation materials
